
This is the source code for the article "Simplifying Domain Model Persistence in a J2EE application by using JDO" that was published on www.theserverside.com in February 2003.

It illustrates how to use Java Data Objects (JDO) to implement a domain model in a J2EE application. Specifically, it shows how to use JDO in a way that improves testability by decoupling the domain model code from the application server and the database. It facilitates three types of development and testing:

This software is licensed under the BSD License.

A link to the article can be found here.

The source code consists of a self contained ANT-based project workspace. The organization of the workspace is described here.

The software you need to build the application are described here.

The instructions for building and running the application are described here.

Things to remember


The design of the example application is shown in the following diagram:

It consists of the following components: